The Choice of Compassionate Power
"It struck her as miraculous that there was unlimited power in choosing what one thinks..." -Sue Boggio and Mare Pearl- I am chewing like...
After Inconceivable Loss
"How do we love what remains?" - Sara Nesson, in conversation - A sunset weeps, and the world is jolted once again into acknowledging the...
Blooming in the Chill
Abeyance: “a temporary state of inactivity or suspension.” - Heather Cox Richardson's blog, 12.17.22 - When I woke before dawn this...
Barking at Fearsome Things
"It's what we don't say that weighs the most." - For Elizabeth - On the night before heading home after a long road trip in July, our dog...
A Prayer for These Times
Standing in night rain Among bluster and chaos Listen with your skin As nature sends signs In the soft language of storms Take hold the...
Taking Time to Heal
"Dig deep. Spread wide." - Katherine Genet, The Singing "This year, go slow. Then go slower." Shey Zenker, from my birthday numerology...
The Flow of Acceptance
“Each thing with its own way of moving, of coming together, of coming apart.” – Emily Sekine – Since the spring of 2018 when we left...
Slow and Steady Mindfulness
“Man is born broken. He lives by mending. Grace is the glue.” - Eugene O’Neill – For Martha and Bonnie Last summer the Santa Catalina...
Passing Love Forward
"A story is a living thing; it moves and shifts." - Pat Conroy - While looking through the perfume bottles I inherited from my mother,...
Chaotically Calm
"Think in blue, in green, in starlight, in song, in a blessing, in beauty, in gratitude." - Alice Hoffman - For Joye Shapiro 1952-2021...