Language as Self-Care
“A walk to remember where you are . . . outside the inside of your mind.” - Gina Hyams - I’ve not been taking long walks as much as I’d...
Pausing for Emptiness
on morning walk wind nips at ears, whispering of snow, a broken branch - Last week I attended a program called 500 Years of Haiku at...
The Power of Commitment
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one...
Awake In Light and Dark
As dark and crazy as the world currently is, something bright resides beneath the darkness—and it’s the light of a single awakening human...
Down the Drain & Into the Light
Back in March I read a review of a book with a title much too similar to the working title of my own book. My first reaction was a...
Poetry, Paradox, and the Human Spirit: Part 1
We humans are fragile, and incredibly strong. We can grab onto familiar yet flimsy habits oh-so easily, and leap almost simultaneously...
Mystics, Light, and Stories Hidden in the Dark
“A mystic is anyone who has the gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradictions and discontinuities that assault...
The Language of Loss
Six friends have died in the last ten months. In the stark realization of no more hugs or laughs or conversation between us, histories...
Another View of Letting Go
Once again I am visiting family and friends in my hometown of Boulder, once again I’m writing about letting go. With umbrella in hand,...
The Powerful Freedom in Choosing Our Thoughts
In their collaborative novel "Sunlight and Shadow*, authors Sue Boggio and Mare Pearl write: “It struck her as miraculous that there was...