In Celebration of Partnership
I came across the following poem by Barbara Kingsolver while re-arranging my writing studio, in the midst of a rare week alone. The words...
Paradox 101
“A paradox is not a conflict within reality. It is a conflict between reality and your feelings of what reality should be like.” —...
Being Part of the World
“You are definitely ready… to [plumb] the depths of your adoration for the privilege of being alive.” — Rob Brezny Earthquakes, tsunamis,...
The Grace of Acknowledgment
“We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us that they may see, it may be, their own images, and so live for a...
Poetry, the Brain and Staying Sane
“Only one thing is necessary to write poetry: everything.” — spoken by the character Atillio in the film The Tiger and the Snow (Roberto...
Musings on a Snowy Spring Equinox
I left off writing here last December (just short of the winter solstice) with a note saying I’d return in a month with a new blog...
The Crisp Clarity of Cold Mornings
It’s December 17th, just four days until the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. Yesterday I wrote a small poem — Note to Self in...
Standing Before Uncertainty
It is on a threshold, at the edge, where we are most able to alter our understanding of the world, and of our own lives in it. — Gregory...
Underneath Chance, Gratitude Beckons
The following poem “Could Have” is by Wislawa Szymborska, the Nobel prize-winning poet from Poland. Underneath its umbrella of wild...
Story and Well-being
“We humans have a clear preference to create and tell stories, and narrative integration is the weaving of facts and felt experiences of...